Travel Health
Do you need vaccinations?
Our nurses can provide travel health advice and arrange for appropriate immunisations. Please arrange an appointment for a travel consultation at least 6-8 weeks before departure if possible. Vaccines need time to take effect and some may require a course over several weeks.
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
Travel Assessment forms
We offer a full travel advice and immunisation service. If you are travelling abroad, please either phone or email the surgery and ask the reception team to send you a Pre-Travel Questionnaire text, this will then be sent to the mobile number we have on record for you.
Once completed, the form will automatically be added to your record. Should you require any vaccinations you will be contacted within 7 days to arrange. We recommend patients complete these forms 4-6 weeks before travelling to ensure an appointment can be made for optimum vaccine effectiveness.
You can request the mobile questionnaire either by contacting the surgery on 01271 323443 or by emailing
If you do not own a smartphone or requesting this questionnaire on behalf of someone then please download the paper copy of this form below. You can also request a copy at the surgery.
Travel Vaccination Questionnaire Form
This can then either be sent to the email address above or handed back to the surgery in person.
Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card
Travel Vaccination Prices
Travel advice is covered by the NHS; however some vaccinations and prescriptions are only available privately. Payment for non-NHS services must be made at the first travel appointment.